New Jersey Orders ACR Energy To Restore Power To Revel Casino

New Jersey Orders ACR Energy To Restore Power To Revel Casino May 15, 2015 May 15, 2015 Paul Butcher
 General May 15, 2015 by Paul Butcher

Revel Casino HotelThe Revel casino has been a thorn in New Jersey’s side for a number of months. First because there were a number of hurdles involved in the sales process and after a lot of court hearings, the Revel casino was finally sold to Glenn Straub, a Florida real estate developer.

The former Revel casino received its entire power supply from ACR Energy Partners as there were no other alternatives for the casino. The casino apparently paid ACR Energy Partners close to $3 million in costs every month, something that new owner Straub was not willing to do.

The termination of a contract did not go down well with ACR Energy Partners and as a result they decided to stop supplying power to the casino and caused the state of New Jersey to issue a safety warning as electricity and water were no longer available and put both the building and people at a high risk.

New Jersey asked Straub to work out a deal and get the power restored or pay a daily fine of $5,000. Straub tried to get temporary generators to supply power but had to use some of ACR Energy Partners’s equipment to get it working. This strategy also did not go down well with ACR Energy Partners who decided to file a case and object to the use of their equipment.

New Jersey authorities appear to have finally had enough of this back and forth legal argument between ACR Energy Partners and Straub. The state has now sent a legal notice to ACR Energy Partners and asked them to immediately restore the power supply. If a fire breaks out at the ex-casino and there are no lights and water to assist fire fighters, then the building turns into an extremely dangerous proposition for everyone. New Jersey is not willing to take this risk any longer and has decided to put an end to this ongoing drama.

ACR Lawyer Tim Lowry confirmed that the company had received a legal notice from New Jersey and stated that the matter will be discussed internally before a final decision is taken. One of the topics that will be discussed internally is the outstanding amount that ACR is owed by the ex-Revel casino. ACR wants an assurance that its outstanding debt will be cleared before it agrees to turn on the power.

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